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Our Philosophy

"Quitting caffeine should be easy."

When I decided to quit caffeine cold turkey in mid-2018, I didn't expect it to be a life-changing experience. I just wanted to save money, and cutting out my daily coffee seemed like an easy way to reduce my spending.

I'd heard of "caffeine withdrawals" before; I'd even experienced them (for a few hours at a time) when I forgot to drink my morning cup of coffee. But I figured that they couldn't be as painful as people claimed they were.

I expected a headache and some light fatigue- two things I thought I could power through without a problem.

I. Was. Wrong.

I had always been told that drinking coffee was harmless, and a normal, healthy part of life- that's why I had no issue with drinking 2 to 3 cups daily starting when I was 15 years old.

But when my (failed) attempt at quitting left me stuck in bed for three days with a nonstop excruciating headache, unable to concentrate, and barely able to keep my eyes open, I started to wonder just how harmless caffeine really was.

I also wondered why I couldn't just buy a product to help me quit.

Virtually every pharmacy, grocery store, and big box store in the U.S. had a display devoted to nicotine cessation- so why didn't they have a single item to help with caffeine cessation?

I already knew that tapering (progressively reducing) a person's intake of an addictive substance was the most reliable way to eliminate their withdrawal symptoms.

After some cursory research, it seemed like it could work for caffeine addiction- but there just weren't enough studies to draw a conclusion on how fast the average person could quit, among other key factors.

The only way to find out was to try.

I managed to acquire some pure caffeine powder and an extremely precise scientific-grade scale. Using myself as a human guinea pig, I began at 200 milligrams of caffeine, and tried stepping my caffeine intake down to zero over the course of four days.

I failed.

I started over, and tried tapering over the course of five days. I felt a little better.

I spent a week getting myself fully re-addicted to caffeine, then tried a six day taper. That one felt better still.

Seven days was the best yet, but the fact that it worked for me wasn't enough- I needed to get other people to quit by using my method.

I convinced a few coffee-loving friends, and my wife, to give my program a try. But that presented a new challenge: I wouldn't be able to get them to follow my trial-and-error process, so I needed to get it right on the first try.

I went back to my notes, found a new study, and arrived at ten days as my best bet for a successful taper.

I gave each person ten days worth of home-pressed tablets and waited.

On the eleventh day, every single person who followed my process was completely free of caffeine with no withdrawal symptoms.

This was huge.

I partnered with a local manufacturer to turn my ten-day tapering formula into a supplement. I called it CafDetox, because they needed a name to put on the order and that was the best I could come up with.

Four months later, the first bottle of CafDetox: The 10-Day Caffeine Quitting Aid came off the production line.

Since then, I've worked tirelessly to put CafDetox in front of every person who I think could possibly need it.

We've given away more bottles than we've sold, because CafDetox is about more than money to me- it's about giving people a choice. It's about freedom.

Quitting caffeine should be easy.

That might not seem like a controversial stance to you and I, but make no mistake: the odds are stacked against us.

Caffeine stands at the core of a trillion dollar industry, and for every person who believes in our mission, there's a retailer who won't carry our products because they might hurt coffee sales, or a website who won't sell us ad space because it would piss off their other advertisers.

Getting people addicted to caffeine created the foundation for some of the largest corporations on Earth. That makes a product like ours dangerous to the status quo- and that's why we need the support of people like you. 

Each bottle purchased brings us one step closer to giving everyone the power to quit the most popular addictive drug in the world.

I hope you'll consider trying life without caffeine. You might like what you find.

